1. Picking Steve Nissen as FDA Commissioner
Apart from the fact that he will be a dart board for the stunts and ethical questions dogging him that we already know about, there are even more serious problems -- even legal problems -- that could be raised at or before his confirmation hearing, problems that his lapdogs in the MSM have eagerly ignored. I can assure those who went after Scott Gottlieb for his "conflicts" and quoted Nissen approvingly in trashing Scott, the good doctor from Cleveland has a lot of, uh, adverse events he has failed to report.
2. Following the advice of the health care experts at the Hamilton Projects
I wrote about this before: The bright idea of Harvard's Joe Newhouse and Richard Frank: "To address the stresses on the federal budget, prices paid for drugs purchased on behalf of beneficiaries previously covered by Medicaid should be reduced to near their former Medicaid levels. To limit the ability of manufacturers to name their prices of therapeutically unique drugs, a standby mechanism for establishing temporary administered prices should be developed."
Meanwhile, this from the WSJ:
Apart from the fact that he will be a dart board for the stunts and ethical questions dogging him that we already know about, there are even more serious problems -- even legal problems -- that could be raised at or before his confirmation hearing, problems that his lapdogs in the MSM have eagerly ignored. I can assure those who went after Scott Gottlieb for his "conflicts" and quoted Nissen approvingly in trashing Scott, the good doctor from Cleveland has a lot of, uh, adverse events he has failed to report.
2. Following the advice of the health care experts at the Hamilton Projects
I wrote about this before: The bright idea of Harvard's Joe Newhouse and Richard Frank: "To address the stresses on the federal budget, prices paid for drugs purchased on behalf of beneficiaries previously covered by Medicaid should be reduced to near their former Medicaid levels. To limit the ability of manufacturers to name their prices of therapeutically unique drugs, a standby mechanism for establishing temporary administered prices should be developed."
Meanwhile, this from the WSJ: