Whenever my father said something my grandfather didn’t agree with, zayde would shrug and say, “For that you went to Harvard College?”
Yesterday I debated a professor from Harvard College -- John Abramson, MD, professor of clinical medicine and author of "Overdosed America." The venue was Minnesota Public Radio. We debated the issue, “Is Drug Research Biased.”
Dr. Abramson was, to be polite, ill-informed. He did, however, come clean and admit he is an occasional witness-for-hire for trial lawyers. Oddly, he kept making peculiar comparisons between comparative effectiveness and ... climate change. Afterwards, when I visited his web site (www.overdosedamerica.com) it was … all about climate change.
For this he teaches at Harvard College?
Have a listen and judge for yourself. The radio program can be found here.
Comic relief? Not quite ... but almost. How sad.