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As the Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) of the WHO prepares to meet and discuss how to best facilitate the expropriation of intellectual property rights (in this case the IPR of pharmaceutical patents) it's important to consider the unintended consequences -- the death of medical innovation.
The global purloiners of patents -- led by Jamie Love -- are thrilled to point out all of the new and important medicines that are the low hanging fruit of their property theft proposals -- but are far less keen to explain how the fruit tree got there in the first place -- or how they are nurtured. In India, political leaders long cited former Prime Minister Indira Ghandi’s call for an end to “profiteering from life or death” in defense of their prohibition of patents on medicine. But in 2005, India reversed course and re-established patent protection for pharmaceutical products. The reason? Less than 10 percent of the nation’s estimated 3.5 million AIDS patients were receiving any medicine at all. In other words, the elimination of patent rights doesn’t produce greater access to medicines. There is a reason why virtually all the world’s “miracle drugs” have been developed in Western countries. It’s called incentive.
Intellectual property rights are the fertile soil that allowed the tree to grow in the first place -- and to thrive. To borrow an over-used adjective from the world of global climate change -- we must protect "sustainable" innovation. Jamie Love and Company may very well say, "A world without patents, amen." And they're right, because minus pharmaceutical IPR we'd all better start saying our prayers -- because that's the only way we're going to battle disease and improve the health of our global fraternity. If the IGWG succeeds, pharmaceutical innovation dies. And that's a Silent Spring we cannot afford.
The global purloiners of patents -- led by Jamie Love -- are thrilled to point out all of the new and important medicines that are the low hanging fruit of their property theft proposals -- but are far less keen to explain how the fruit tree got there in the first place -- or how they are nurtured. In India, political leaders long cited former Prime Minister Indira Ghandi’s call for an end to “profiteering from life or death” in defense of their prohibition of patents on medicine. But in 2005, India reversed course and re-established patent protection for pharmaceutical products. The reason? Less than 10 percent of the nation’s estimated 3.5 million AIDS patients were receiving any medicine at all. In other words, the elimination of patent rights doesn’t produce greater access to medicines. There is a reason why virtually all the world’s “miracle drugs” have been developed in Western countries. It’s called incentive.
Intellectual property rights are the fertile soil that allowed the tree to grow in the first place -- and to thrive. To borrow an over-used adjective from the world of global climate change -- we must protect "sustainable" innovation. Jamie Love and Company may very well say, "A world without patents, amen." And they're right, because minus pharmaceutical IPR we'd all better start saying our prayers -- because that's the only way we're going to battle disease and improve the health of our global fraternity. If the IGWG succeeds, pharmaceutical innovation dies. And that's a Silent Spring we cannot afford.
Some people will do anything to shove price controlled drugs from parts unknown down the the throats of unsuspecting Americans...that includes the editors at the San Jose Mercury News (there goes my chances for an oped placement)
From that august body:
"The Food and Drug Administration should be embarrassed by its lack of attention to the ingredients in prescription drugs.
The latest evidence is the 19 deaths and hundreds of allergic reactions reported by Americans using a bad batch of the drug thinner heparin. Some ingredients were contaminated, and the FDA admitted violating its own rules by not inspecting the Chinese factory where they were made.
This at the same time the FDA stubbornly refuses to allow cheaper prescription drugs to be imported. What hypocrisy."
Some truth is in order by way of Andy von Eschenbach, FDA Commish:
"Our records at FDA indicated that we had inspected that facility in China, but that was incorrect. The inspection records we reviewed were on a facility with a very similar name. But having done the inspection in 2004 probably wouldn’t have prevented this problem, because this chemical contaminant cannot be detected using the standard testing methods for heparin. We have now developed new test methods to screen heparin for this new contaminant and regulators around the world are using those tests to protect their citizens. "
So much for the canard that the FDA "lied". What do you call a paper that calls someone else a liar when it knows that the very statement is not factual?
Now as to "hypocrisy", why would the FDA allow the importation of drugs from companies that are not producing for the US market when it's first priority is to improve the monitoring of the supply and production chain of products that are approved for US sale and distribution? Why indeed given the fact that counterfeit products are a growing problem worldwide and given the fact that importation will, according to the Congressional Budget Office and the Commerce Department hardly make a dent in health care spending?
Because some people can't understand that there are benefits to having a free and global market for medicines and that such conditions are not inconsistent with a bi-partisan effort to improve the FDA's ability to track and trace the production of such goods.
Now that's hypocrisy for you.
From that august body:
"The Food and Drug Administration should be embarrassed by its lack of attention to the ingredients in prescription drugs.
The latest evidence is the 19 deaths and hundreds of allergic reactions reported by Americans using a bad batch of the drug thinner heparin. Some ingredients were contaminated, and the FDA admitted violating its own rules by not inspecting the Chinese factory where they were made.
This at the same time the FDA stubbornly refuses to allow cheaper prescription drugs to be imported. What hypocrisy."
Some truth is in order by way of Andy von Eschenbach, FDA Commish:
"Our records at FDA indicated that we had inspected that facility in China, but that was incorrect. The inspection records we reviewed were on a facility with a very similar name. But having done the inspection in 2004 probably wouldn’t have prevented this problem, because this chemical contaminant cannot be detected using the standard testing methods for heparin. We have now developed new test methods to screen heparin for this new contaminant and regulators around the world are using those tests to protect their citizens. "
So much for the canard that the FDA "lied". What do you call a paper that calls someone else a liar when it knows that the very statement is not factual?
Now as to "hypocrisy", why would the FDA allow the importation of drugs from companies that are not producing for the US market when it's first priority is to improve the monitoring of the supply and production chain of products that are approved for US sale and distribution? Why indeed given the fact that counterfeit products are a growing problem worldwide and given the fact that importation will, according to the Congressional Budget Office and the Commerce Department hardly make a dent in health care spending?
Because some people can't understand that there are benefits to having a free and global market for medicines and that such conditions are not inconsistent with a bi-partisan effort to improve the FDA's ability to track and trace the production of such goods.
Now that's hypocrisy for you.
According to Congressional Quarterly, Chairman Dingell is aggressively pursuing efforts to require the FDA to take a much more aggressive role in monitoring food and drug production and safety abroad, with stiff penalties for companies that import tainted products. The article says: “Dingell’s plan would also crack down on companies that violate drug import regulations. Manufacturers and importers could be fined as much as $500,000 for bringing contaminated or adulterated food or drugs into the country, and individuals could be subject to fines as high as $100,000 for similar offenses.â€
You may ask, How is that statement compatible with legislators’ calls for liberalized prescription drug importation? Good question.
Hopefully Mr. Dingell will point this out when his colleagues raise the subject.
You may ask, How is that statement compatible with legislators’ calls for liberalized prescription drug importation? Good question.
Hopefully Mr. Dingell will point this out when his colleagues raise the subject.
Is Leonard Saltz of Sloan Memorial more interested in attacking drug companies or caring for patients...Rather than pushing insurance companies to cover new cancer drugs, Saltz has devoted time decrying the price of new medications. And now he has taken his ideologically driven campaign to a new low, scaring patients into choosing a treatment based on price. In doing so, Saltz provides an example that even someone with no background in oncology should find shocking and a signal to stay away from Saltz as a treating physician: (From the Pharmamarket Newsletter)
"One example given was for metastatic colon cancer, where the price differential is $60,000 for a treatment course, depending on which of two drugs a patient is prescribed. According to Leonard Saltz of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the cheaper generic drug, irinotecan (previously marketed as Campto/Camptosar), causes hair loss. However, he adds that the more expensive agent, Sanofi-Aventis' Eloxatin (oxaliplatin), can cause nerve damage to hands or feet. Depending on one's professional occupation one or the other drug might be easier to accommodate. However, in cases where a patient is concerned about using up savings that might otherwise be left to dependents, the ASCO guidelines are intended to allow for an informed choice with the assistance of a specialist.
Dr Saltz argues that the logical result of such a change in approach must be to have more price transparency, at least so that specialists are able to provide patients with the necessary data."
Where to begin? How about that the two drugs are used in combination in many cases. Or that pharmacogenetics suggests one drug is better than the other. Or clinical trials suggesting longer survival with Eloxatin? Does Lenny Saltz suggest making that information transparent.
Or how about making this information transparent instead of scaring people about prices:
"Since 2005, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and individual drugmakers has approached the problem by matching nearly five million patients with free drugs in cases where there is an inability to pay (Marketletters passim). "
I will talk Saltz seriously when he speaks out strongly against huge cancer drug co-pays, particularly when genetic tests indicate a drug works....Until then, I would avoid him, both as a source of policy advice and cancer care.
"One example given was for metastatic colon cancer, where the price differential is $60,000 for a treatment course, depending on which of two drugs a patient is prescribed. According to Leonard Saltz of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the cheaper generic drug, irinotecan (previously marketed as Campto/Camptosar), causes hair loss. However, he adds that the more expensive agent, Sanofi-Aventis' Eloxatin (oxaliplatin), can cause nerve damage to hands or feet. Depending on one's professional occupation one or the other drug might be easier to accommodate. However, in cases where a patient is concerned about using up savings that might otherwise be left to dependents, the ASCO guidelines are intended to allow for an informed choice with the assistance of a specialist.
Dr Saltz argues that the logical result of such a change in approach must be to have more price transparency, at least so that specialists are able to provide patients with the necessary data."
Where to begin? How about that the two drugs are used in combination in many cases. Or that pharmacogenetics suggests one drug is better than the other. Or clinical trials suggesting longer survival with Eloxatin? Does Lenny Saltz suggest making that information transparent.
Or how about making this information transparent instead of scaring people about prices:
"Since 2005, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and individual drugmakers has approached the problem by matching nearly five million patients with free drugs in cases where there is an inability to pay (Marketletters passim). "
I will talk Saltz seriously when he speaks out strongly against huge cancer drug co-pays, particularly when genetic tests indicate a drug works....Until then, I would avoid him, both as a source of policy advice and cancer care.
I have great respect for the work of John Wennberg and Elliot Fisher at Dartmouth. Their work has underscored that some clinical practices which are entrenched by tradition or local relationships between doctors and hospitals are not the most effective compared to others. But there is a bit of hubris creeping into their more recent analyses which presume that if we standardized care to cheapest providers of care to those who die within 2 years of a subjectively determined time we could save 20 percent of Medicare spending.
First, as a patient I would like to know which care is associated with not dying within the two year time frame. And as a methodological issue, the failure to compare cost of patients receiving the same care for the same disease without adjusting for severity of illness is a big one. Accordingly, recommending ways to reduce overuse of acute hospital care without knowing what works to improve outcomes -- not always a cut and dried answer -- is probably beyond the data delivered by the Dartmouth group.
Second, Wennberg and Fisher have also looked at gaps in providing effective care that contributes to longer life. If those gaps were filled it would cost more money. And if people lived longer they would ultimately wind up with a disease that could be expensive to treat. More people receiving better care, more preventive screenings, etc. all adds up. They should be more persistent in coupling that message with their other "magic bullet" solutions.
Finally, to claim that more choices lead to higher costs as an article in the WSJ suggested perhaps mistates what the Dartmouth group concludes. The Dartmouth Atlas suggests that regional variations in utilization have nothing to do with better outcomes. But in fact not even the Dartmouth folks presume to tell everyone what sets of practices would work in all situations. Genomic and clinical insights suggest that tailoring treatments and prevention to individual variations improves outcomes. So how could choice be bad?
First, as a patient I would like to know which care is associated with not dying within the two year time frame. And as a methodological issue, the failure to compare cost of patients receiving the same care for the same disease without adjusting for severity of illness is a big one. Accordingly, recommending ways to reduce overuse of acute hospital care without knowing what works to improve outcomes -- not always a cut and dried answer -- is probably beyond the data delivered by the Dartmouth group.
Second, Wennberg and Fisher have also looked at gaps in providing effective care that contributes to longer life. If those gaps were filled it would cost more money. And if people lived longer they would ultimately wind up with a disease that could be expensive to treat. More people receiving better care, more preventive screenings, etc. all adds up. They should be more persistent in coupling that message with their other "magic bullet" solutions.
Finally, to claim that more choices lead to higher costs as an article in the WSJ suggested perhaps mistates what the Dartmouth group concludes. The Dartmouth Atlas suggests that regional variations in utilization have nothing to do with better outcomes. But in fact not even the Dartmouth folks presume to tell everyone what sets of practices would work in all situations. Genomic and clinical insights suggest that tailoring treatments and prevention to individual variations improves outcomes. So how could choice be bad?
I don’t know about you, but I get about 30+ e-mails a day from Jamie Love and his buddies telling me all about the public health benefits of compulsory licensing. If you buy the bunk, then you probably believe in the Easter Bunny. (Apologies to those of you who believe in the Easter Bunny.)
Nowhere has the Love-Line rhetoric been more omnipresent than at the recent session of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Governmental Working Group (IGWG).
Not that it was an even-playing field. The IGWG discussions were completely void of innovators -- with pharmaceutical researchers relegated to the sidelines. In their place were activists who are unwilling (and seemingly unable) to engage in any discussion that does not begin and end with removing systems of intellectual property (IP) protection for innovative medicines.
As with many of their ilk, these activists believe in freedom of speech – as long as what you say supports their position. Otherwise you’re a capitalist tool. Their grasp on the truth is questionable and, to their minds, the end justifies the means.
So it comes as no small relief that a comprehensive new study debunks the myth that TRIPS-related pharmaceutical patent protection is somehow contrary to enhancing the health of the developing world. The opposite is true – and truth speaks louder (if not more frequently) than rhetoric.
“Investments in Pharmaceuticals Before and After TRIPS: Property Rights and New Drug Development†(Authors: Margaret Kyle, assistant professor, London Business School and Anita M. McGahan, Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) examines the impact of TRIPS on investments in pharmaceutical R&D – with important and significant implications to the ongoing discussions at IGWG, regarding the benefits IP brings to the effort to enhance health in developing and less-developed countries.
Some extracts:
“TRIPS was central in the development of foundational pharmaceutical capabilities in least-developed and developing countries.â€
“TRIPS had a strong, consistent, and major impact on general and corporate investment at every phase of research on global disease.â€
But all is not rosy:
“There appears to be a gap that prevents the immediate efficacy of TRIPS in promoting the introduction of new drugs on poverty diseases.â€
They continue: “On the other hand, TRIPS has encouraged research on disease that are present but not dominant in least-developed and developed countries, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers.â€
And they conclude by saying, “This research suggests an opportunity to implement policies that are complementary to TRIPS for filling this gap to promote research on poverty diseases immediately.â€
So let's move forward. Let's work together. Let's leave the rhetoric aside.
(And sorry about the Easter Bunny.)
Nowhere has the Love-Line rhetoric been more omnipresent than at the recent session of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Governmental Working Group (IGWG).
Not that it was an even-playing field. The IGWG discussions were completely void of innovators -- with pharmaceutical researchers relegated to the sidelines. In their place were activists who are unwilling (and seemingly unable) to engage in any discussion that does not begin and end with removing systems of intellectual property (IP) protection for innovative medicines.
As with many of their ilk, these activists believe in freedom of speech – as long as what you say supports their position. Otherwise you’re a capitalist tool. Their grasp on the truth is questionable and, to their minds, the end justifies the means.
So it comes as no small relief that a comprehensive new study debunks the myth that TRIPS-related pharmaceutical patent protection is somehow contrary to enhancing the health of the developing world. The opposite is true – and truth speaks louder (if not more frequently) than rhetoric.
“Investments in Pharmaceuticals Before and After TRIPS: Property Rights and New Drug Development†(Authors: Margaret Kyle, assistant professor, London Business School and Anita M. McGahan, Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) examines the impact of TRIPS on investments in pharmaceutical R&D – with important and significant implications to the ongoing discussions at IGWG, regarding the benefits IP brings to the effort to enhance health in developing and less-developed countries.
Some extracts:
“TRIPS was central in the development of foundational pharmaceutical capabilities in least-developed and developing countries.â€
“TRIPS had a strong, consistent, and major impact on general and corporate investment at every phase of research on global disease.â€
But all is not rosy:
“There appears to be a gap that prevents the immediate efficacy of TRIPS in promoting the introduction of new drugs on poverty diseases.â€
They continue: “On the other hand, TRIPS has encouraged research on disease that are present but not dominant in least-developed and developed countries, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers.â€
And they conclude by saying, “This research suggests an opportunity to implement policies that are complementary to TRIPS for filling this gap to promote research on poverty diseases immediately.â€
So let's move forward. Let's work together. Let's leave the rhetoric aside.
(And sorry about the Easter Bunny.)
Pleased to report that the LiveSmarter blog has named Drugwonks one of its 100 top Academic/Medical blogs -- and first in our category (Drugs/Medicine).
The full Top 100 list can be found at:
And, as the man says, thank you for your support.
The full Top 100 list can be found at:
And, as the man says, thank you for your support.
My sources tell me that Sunday’s New York Times will feature a front-page feature on FDA preemption by Alex Berenson and Gardiner Harris. And, considering the authors, you know what that means – among other things much use of the “Z†word.
Certainly the piece will be fair and balanced -- as all pieces are in our national newspaper of record -- but whether or not adequate provision will be given to the facts remains to be seen.
To wit, a few pieces of information that may or may not make the final cut of the story.
When product manufacturers provide fraudulent information to FDA, or deliberately withhold information about safety problems associated with their products, preemption doesn’t offer them protection and they can and should be held accountable.
The problem is that the current liability system doesn’t reward lawyers who focus on these real public health concerns. Instead, the most experienced and well-financed law firms know that the biggest payouts regularly go to those who take advantage of the FDA’s best efforts to promote the safe and effective use of medications and medical technology. More and more often, these “mass tort†firms specialize in taking a new product warning label or withdrawal decision by the FDA, and view it as a signal to go forward with all guns blazing. Their bullets, unfortunately but not unpredictably, hit multiple innocent targets and result in a wounded American health care system.
As Dan Troy has written:
“Judgments concerning the need for and formulation of statements in drug labeling and advertising are squarely within FDA’s statutory authority and expertise, and they deserve deference from courts and juries applying state tort law. The agency carefully considers the scientific evidence relating to a proposed warning, as well as the public health consequences of including or omitting particular language from drug labeling or advertising. FDA should not have to act to safeguard its control over the label each time a plaintiff brings a state law action challenging the absence of a particular warning in drug labeling. Where FDA repeatedly has reviewed particular drug labeling and advertising content, state courts and juries should not second-guess the agency’s scientific determinations.
FDA’s legal authority over drug labeling and advertising is broad, and its expertise is unmatched. The agency’s decisions on the content of these communications deserve substantial deference from courts applying state tort law in product liability cases that challenge the adequacy of drug warnings.â€
It should also be noted that the FDA has consistently stood behind the concept of preemption through both Republican and Democratic administrations – so any mention of “the Bush FDA pushing preemption†is just bad reporting.
Recently, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that federal law bars a suit alleging false-advertising claims under state law because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has "exclusive authority" to regulate prescription drug advertising.
"To allow generalized state consumer fraud laws to dictate the parameters of false and misleading advertising in the prescription drug context would pose an undue obstacle to both Congress' and the FDA's objectives in protecting the nation's prescription drug users," U.S. Circuit Judge D. Brooks Smith of the Western District of Pennsylvania, wrote in his 51-page opinion in Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund, et al. v. Zeneca Inc.
Further, U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement issues an opinion to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting federal preemption, saying that FDA-approved drug labeling preempts state law.
Specifically, Clement disagreed with the Vermont Supreme Court’s ruling that a patient could sue Wyeth over the labeling of its anti-nausea drug Phenergan (promethazine). In the case of Wyeth v. Diana Levine, Clement opined that the state court, “erroneously interpreted†the law by saying the FDA’s approval of a drug label is only a “first step.†He also noted that federal law prohibits a company from unilaterally changing the FDA-approved label.
Clement writes, “If manufacturers were free to make unilateral changes to labeling the day after the FDA’s approval, based on information that was previously available to the FDA, the approval process would be greatly undermined and the agency’s careful balance of risks and benefits thwarted.â€
I don’t think it’s a stretch to predict that the Berenson/Harris piece will not be a ringing endorsement for the principle of FDA preemption. And if the Gray Lady follows precedent, there will be a same-day editorial supporting the general view of the article -- that FDA preemption should be struck down as a general principle because of, among other things, the evil pharmaceutical industry and an agency that is “in the pocket†of same.
Who does this help? Consumers? No. Trial lawyers? Yes. (And we all know that Alex Berenson has many of these folks on speed dial – and visa-versa.)
So on Sunday, brew your coffee, toast your bagel – and count how many times trials lawyers are quoted in the article.
Certainly the piece will be fair and balanced -- as all pieces are in our national newspaper of record -- but whether or not adequate provision will be given to the facts remains to be seen.
To wit, a few pieces of information that may or may not make the final cut of the story.
When product manufacturers provide fraudulent information to FDA, or deliberately withhold information about safety problems associated with their products, preemption doesn’t offer them protection and they can and should be held accountable.
The problem is that the current liability system doesn’t reward lawyers who focus on these real public health concerns. Instead, the most experienced and well-financed law firms know that the biggest payouts regularly go to those who take advantage of the FDA’s best efforts to promote the safe and effective use of medications and medical technology. More and more often, these “mass tort†firms specialize in taking a new product warning label or withdrawal decision by the FDA, and view it as a signal to go forward with all guns blazing. Their bullets, unfortunately but not unpredictably, hit multiple innocent targets and result in a wounded American health care system.
As Dan Troy has written:
“Judgments concerning the need for and formulation of statements in drug labeling and advertising are squarely within FDA’s statutory authority and expertise, and they deserve deference from courts and juries applying state tort law. The agency carefully considers the scientific evidence relating to a proposed warning, as well as the public health consequences of including or omitting particular language from drug labeling or advertising. FDA should not have to act to safeguard its control over the label each time a plaintiff brings a state law action challenging the absence of a particular warning in drug labeling. Where FDA repeatedly has reviewed particular drug labeling and advertising content, state courts and juries should not second-guess the agency’s scientific determinations.
FDA’s legal authority over drug labeling and advertising is broad, and its expertise is unmatched. The agency’s decisions on the content of these communications deserve substantial deference from courts applying state tort law in product liability cases that challenge the adequacy of drug warnings.â€
It should also be noted that the FDA has consistently stood behind the concept of preemption through both Republican and Democratic administrations – so any mention of “the Bush FDA pushing preemption†is just bad reporting.
Recently, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that federal law bars a suit alleging false-advertising claims under state law because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has "exclusive authority" to regulate prescription drug advertising.
"To allow generalized state consumer fraud laws to dictate the parameters of false and misleading advertising in the prescription drug context would pose an undue obstacle to both Congress' and the FDA's objectives in protecting the nation's prescription drug users," U.S. Circuit Judge D. Brooks Smith of the Western District of Pennsylvania, wrote in his 51-page opinion in Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund, et al. v. Zeneca Inc.
Further, U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement issues an opinion to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting federal preemption, saying that FDA-approved drug labeling preempts state law.
Specifically, Clement disagreed with the Vermont Supreme Court’s ruling that a patient could sue Wyeth over the labeling of its anti-nausea drug Phenergan (promethazine). In the case of Wyeth v. Diana Levine, Clement opined that the state court, “erroneously interpreted†the law by saying the FDA’s approval of a drug label is only a “first step.†He also noted that federal law prohibits a company from unilaterally changing the FDA-approved label.
Clement writes, “If manufacturers were free to make unilateral changes to labeling the day after the FDA’s approval, based on information that was previously available to the FDA, the approval process would be greatly undermined and the agency’s careful balance of risks and benefits thwarted.â€
I don’t think it’s a stretch to predict that the Berenson/Harris piece will not be a ringing endorsement for the principle of FDA preemption. And if the Gray Lady follows precedent, there will be a same-day editorial supporting the general view of the article -- that FDA preemption should be struck down as a general principle because of, among other things, the evil pharmaceutical industry and an agency that is “in the pocket†of same.
Who does this help? Consumers? No. Trial lawyers? Yes. (And we all know that Alex Berenson has many of these folks on speed dial – and visa-versa.)
So on Sunday, brew your coffee, toast your bagel – and count how many times trials lawyers are quoted in the article.
While everyone was posturing around the ENHANCE study another, perhaps more important piece of research was published without any fanfare about treatment of hypertension.
"New data from the Avoiding Cardiovascular Events in Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial were presented today at the American College of Cardiology 2008 Scientific Sessions [1]. They showed that a single-tablet dual-mechanism therapy initiated in high-risk hypertensive patients significantly reduced the risk of morbidity and mortality by 20% compared with conventional therapy.
ACCOMPLISH, a major morbidity and mortality trial, compared the effects of two forms of antihypertensive combination therapies on major fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events. It was stopped early because treatment with antihypertensive combination therapy — the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor benazepril plus the calcium-channel blocker amlodipine — was more effective than treatment with the ACE inhibitor plus diuretic."
As in more effective than a diuretic alone or a diuretic in combo with something else. As in ALLHAT, the foundation for Jerry Avorn's campaign to become FDA commissioner and the so-called gold standard of comparative effectiveness research....
"If you use the combination of a calcium-channel blocker with an ACE inhibitor, you get exquisite blood-pressure control," said Jamerson, who added that similar control was observed with the ACE inhibitor and diuretic. Despite the similar blood pressure, the combination with the calcium-channel blocker and ACE inhibitor reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality 20%.
During a press conference announcing the results, Jamerson told the media that the findings are "paradigm-shifting" and the data are a clear win with a clear message. He said the ACCOMPLISH findings challenge the guidelines, especially in terms of starting with a one-drug strategy and the use of diuretics in combination with ACE inhibitors."
This will be an acid test to see just how evidence-based people who are pulling the comparative effectiveness bandwagon really are....Will such studies be rejected if they are not conducted or approved as "kosher" by a Comparative Effectiveness Institute? Will patients have to wait months or years to get access to better or tailored therapies while a bunch of economists sit in judgment?
Science moves way too fast for such an institute to have any real relevance. There are better ways to produce better medical information....A look back without looking ahead means retreating into the past as disease advances...
"New data from the Avoiding Cardiovascular Events in Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial were presented today at the American College of Cardiology 2008 Scientific Sessions [1]. They showed that a single-tablet dual-mechanism therapy initiated in high-risk hypertensive patients significantly reduced the risk of morbidity and mortality by 20% compared with conventional therapy.
ACCOMPLISH, a major morbidity and mortality trial, compared the effects of two forms of antihypertensive combination therapies on major fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events. It was stopped early because treatment with antihypertensive combination therapy — the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor benazepril plus the calcium-channel blocker amlodipine — was more effective than treatment with the ACE inhibitor plus diuretic."
As in more effective than a diuretic alone or a diuretic in combo with something else. As in ALLHAT, the foundation for Jerry Avorn's campaign to become FDA commissioner and the so-called gold standard of comparative effectiveness research....
"If you use the combination of a calcium-channel blocker with an ACE inhibitor, you get exquisite blood-pressure control," said Jamerson, who added that similar control was observed with the ACE inhibitor and diuretic. Despite the similar blood pressure, the combination with the calcium-channel blocker and ACE inhibitor reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality 20%.
During a press conference announcing the results, Jamerson told the media that the findings are "paradigm-shifting" and the data are a clear win with a clear message. He said the ACCOMPLISH findings challenge the guidelines, especially in terms of starting with a one-drug strategy and the use of diuretics in combination with ACE inhibitors."
This will be an acid test to see just how evidence-based people who are pulling the comparative effectiveness bandwagon really are....Will such studies be rejected if they are not conducted or approved as "kosher" by a Comparative Effectiveness Institute? Will patients have to wait months or years to get access to better or tailored therapies while a bunch of economists sit in judgment?
Science moves way too fast for such an institute to have any real relevance. There are better ways to produce better medical information....A look back without looking ahead means retreating into the past as disease advances...