Latest Drugwonks' Blog
The increasingly insufferable Roy Poses pontificates again and again and again about how everyone who is a consultant to drug companies cannot be trusted. To point out how zealotry should not be confused with objectivity let us go through the following exercise using the deflation of the self-impressed Dr. Poses as an example, with giving him the platform: " pretending a panel is independent, when potential or perceived conflicts may exist, is misleading. This only casts more doubt on the willingness of these two drugmakers to let the facts speak for themselves - and not spin or cloak info that should be fully vetted."
So by definition, any financial tie is a conflict or perceived conflict which transmutes into faulty or inaccurate data which cannot be trusted which in turn transforms into a drug that should not be taken. Which is why people should stop taking SSRIs, Avandia, Vytorin,
Now I guess that should also apply to Zocor, the forerunner of simvastatin, the generic version of Zocor, especially if we have a negative risk to benefit result of that drug right? This in keeping with the other Poses or Pharmalot principle that disclosure of all negative trial result are to the public good.
So here is a negative trial reported in JAMA in 2004 on Zocor
he myopathy rate of the 80-mg/d dose of simvastatin observed in the A to Z trial and the previously reported meta-analysis are not particularly surprising. For many years following its introduction, the maximum dose of simvastatin approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was 40 mg/d. However, in 1997 the manufacturer undertook a development program to study 2 higher doses of simvastatin (80 mg/d and 160 mg/d).8, 19-20 Although a favorable report appeared in the medical literature,20 development of the 160-mg/d dose was abandoned due to high muscle toxicity.8, 19 Although never reported in the scientific literature, the financial community was informed that the rate of muscle-related symptoms was 5.7% for the 160 mg/d dose.19 The dose of 80 mg/d of simvastatin was eventually approved, but in 2002, the FDA product label was modified to include warnings about concomitant medications than inhibit cytochrome P450 3A4, the major metabolic pathway for simvastatin elimination.21 This warning was provoked by cases of rhabdomyolysis when simvastatin was administered with 3A4 inhibitors.21"
It is important to reassure practicing physicians and patients that the unfavorable risk-benefit relationship observed in the A to Z trial does not in any way diminish the value of intensive statin treatment in secondary prevention, including ACS patients. There was a trend toward reduced events in the A to Z trial, a finding that supports the lower is better concept. The increased myopathy rate applies only to a specific dose of a single agent and should not tarnish this remarkable class of drugs.24 It must also be emphasized that simvastatin in doses of up to 40 mg/d has shown excellent safety and efficacy in a series of clinical trials. For now, though, the 80-mg/d dose of simvastatin should be used with caution, particularly because other effective agents are available. Finally, in an era when criticism of selective reporting of positive trial results is common,25 the A to Z investigators are to be commended for their prompt and thorough reporting of a critically important major trial that did not meet its original objectives."
Ok, so we know that high dose simvastatin, the same dose compared in the ENHANCE trial carries risks. But we are reassured that other agents are available and that the 80mg can be used with caution.
Now, the person who wrote that editorial on the A to Z study was a paid consultant to Merck.
Steve Nissen. Who was a consultant to Merck, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sankyo, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, Takeda, Novo Nordisk, Atherogenics, Lipid Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffman LaRoche, Kos, and Wyeth. Dr Nissen also has directed clinical trials in collaboration with Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sankyo, Eli Lilly, Takeda, Atherogenics, and Lipid Sciences.
The same person now trashing Vytorin.
Sorry to beat the same drug over and over again but the bloggers and MSM keep referring to the same sources as well. Their views are biased and dangerous. I trust the doctors and researchers drug companies pay as advisors ten times more than then the second guessers who would discourage patients from taking drugs because of a built in bias against perceived financial conflicts without even looking at street creds or expertise. That is prejudice, plain and simple. And at a fundamental level it suggests that anyone who consults for drug companies is a prostitute and endangers the public health.
That's not independence or objectivity. That's intellectual thuggery.
He claims the Vytorin results are doctored
So by definition, any financial tie is a conflict or perceived conflict which transmutes into faulty or inaccurate data which cannot be trusted which in turn transforms into a drug that should not be taken. Which is why people should stop taking SSRIs, Avandia, Vytorin,
Now I guess that should also apply to Zocor, the forerunner of simvastatin, the generic version of Zocor, especially if we have a negative risk to benefit result of that drug right? This in keeping with the other Poses or Pharmalot principle that disclosure of all negative trial result are to the public good.
So here is a negative trial reported in JAMA in 2004 on Zocor
he myopathy rate of the 80-mg/d dose of simvastatin observed in the A to Z trial and the previously reported meta-analysis are not particularly surprising. For many years following its introduction, the maximum dose of simvastatin approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was 40 mg/d. However, in 1997 the manufacturer undertook a development program to study 2 higher doses of simvastatin (80 mg/d and 160 mg/d).8, 19-20 Although a favorable report appeared in the medical literature,20 development of the 160-mg/d dose was abandoned due to high muscle toxicity.8, 19 Although never reported in the scientific literature, the financial community was informed that the rate of muscle-related symptoms was 5.7% for the 160 mg/d dose.19 The dose of 80 mg/d of simvastatin was eventually approved, but in 2002, the FDA product label was modified to include warnings about concomitant medications than inhibit cytochrome P450 3A4, the major metabolic pathway for simvastatin elimination.21 This warning was provoked by cases of rhabdomyolysis when simvastatin was administered with 3A4 inhibitors.21"
It is important to reassure practicing physicians and patients that the unfavorable risk-benefit relationship observed in the A to Z trial does not in any way diminish the value of intensive statin treatment in secondary prevention, including ACS patients. There was a trend toward reduced events in the A to Z trial, a finding that supports the lower is better concept. The increased myopathy rate applies only to a specific dose of a single agent and should not tarnish this remarkable class of drugs.24 It must also be emphasized that simvastatin in doses of up to 40 mg/d has shown excellent safety and efficacy in a series of clinical trials. For now, though, the 80-mg/d dose of simvastatin should be used with caution, particularly because other effective agents are available. Finally, in an era when criticism of selective reporting of positive trial results is common,25 the A to Z investigators are to be commended for their prompt and thorough reporting of a critically important major trial that did not meet its original objectives."
Ok, so we know that high dose simvastatin, the same dose compared in the ENHANCE trial carries risks. But we are reassured that other agents are available and that the 80mg can be used with caution.
Now, the person who wrote that editorial on the A to Z study was a paid consultant to Merck.
Steve Nissen. Who was a consultant to Merck, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sankyo, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, Takeda, Novo Nordisk, Atherogenics, Lipid Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffman LaRoche, Kos, and Wyeth. Dr Nissen also has directed clinical trials in collaboration with Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sankyo, Eli Lilly, Takeda, Atherogenics, and Lipid Sciences.
The same person now trashing Vytorin.
Sorry to beat the same drug over and over again but the bloggers and MSM keep referring to the same sources as well. Their views are biased and dangerous. I trust the doctors and researchers drug companies pay as advisors ten times more than then the second guessers who would discourage patients from taking drugs because of a built in bias against perceived financial conflicts without even looking at street creds or expertise. That is prejudice, plain and simple. And at a fundamental level it suggests that anyone who consults for drug companies is a prostitute and endangers the public health.
That's not independence or objectivity. That's intellectual thuggery.
He claims the Vytorin results are doctored
Here's Tom Cruise on Scientology's superiority...if this video doesn't make you believe in SSRIs -- or at least Jaegermeister -- nothing will.
From an editorial in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Demonstrating Drug Action
Carol A. Tamminga, M.D.
The questions that have arisen in the public and scientific literature lately about the use of SSRIs in children and adolescents are addressed for one of the currently available SSRIs by Wagner et al. The issue of whether it is effective to use SSRIs in childhood and adolescent depression has been repeatedly raised over the last years in the context of our field failing to produce clear efficacy answers in children. Depressed children are being treated with SSRIs in greater and greater numbers, without demonstrated efficacy in the age group. The difficulty of demonstrating efficacy with tricyclic antidepressants in children has fueled suspicions that there may exist an age-dependent resistance to treatment. The importance of this well-designed large study for therapeutic strategies in children and adolescents cannot be overstated. It is important that the methodology of this study is solid and the numbers adequate to test the efficacy question asked. The result that citalopram reduced depression more than placebo in this child and adolescent population provides a clear answer for physicians that will (in combination with results from additional studies) guide treatment decisions. It is especially gratifying to see an early onset of action at 1 week of treatment, suggesting an advantage that can be followed up in future studies. This study also set a high methodologic standard for psychiatric diagnosis in pediatric studies. It would be an understatement to say that more such studies are needed.
One would always wish for more in terms of information from drug trials in psychiatric diseases. A common physician complaint about these trials is that they fail to sufficiently inform clinical practice because of restricted entry criteria, fixed-dose design, and limited duration of treatment. It is true that initial registration trials have a goal of demonstrating superiority over placebo to become approved for the market. But this does not rule out additional Phase 4 studies done in large enough patient cohorts to fully inform pressing clinical issues. How do comorbid conditions alter drug response? What treatments are effective in medication nonresponders? What kinds of actions can be expected with long-term treatment? It will be important for industry to address these kinds of Phase 4 questions for clinical use as well as the registration trials.
One particular issue in our field makes informative clinical trials particularly difficult. This is that we do not know what exactly we are treating in terms of its biology. Psychiatric diagnoses are not based on molecular pathology (rather, phenomenology), and new drugs are not directed toward known, disease-related molecules (rather, toward hypotheses). Therefore, we may not be recruiting the correct patient populations for a particular treatment nor have a drug directed toward the disease pathophysiology. Moreover, we may not be measuring anywhere near the optimal outcome measures in our trials (e.g., consider the constraint of only measuring "fatigue" in the treatment of anemia, and not having a RBC count). Nonetheless, even though we do not yet have our molecular targets, we cannot give up on drug development. Indeed, we already have treatments for our diseases, and these may be better treatments than we deserve, based on the state of our knowledge. We need now to hone the treatments that we have and develop the valuable clinical trial methodologies to carry us into the future. Meanwhile, we need to translate the rich basic knowledge accumulating in neuroscience into advances for therapeutics.
Demonstrating Drug Action
Carol A. Tamminga, M.D.
The questions that have arisen in the public and scientific literature lately about the use of SSRIs in children and adolescents are addressed for one of the currently available SSRIs by Wagner et al. The issue of whether it is effective to use SSRIs in childhood and adolescent depression has been repeatedly raised over the last years in the context of our field failing to produce clear efficacy answers in children. Depressed children are being treated with SSRIs in greater and greater numbers, without demonstrated efficacy in the age group. The difficulty of demonstrating efficacy with tricyclic antidepressants in children has fueled suspicions that there may exist an age-dependent resistance to treatment. The importance of this well-designed large study for therapeutic strategies in children and adolescents cannot be overstated. It is important that the methodology of this study is solid and the numbers adequate to test the efficacy question asked. The result that citalopram reduced depression more than placebo in this child and adolescent population provides a clear answer for physicians that will (in combination with results from additional studies) guide treatment decisions. It is especially gratifying to see an early onset of action at 1 week of treatment, suggesting an advantage that can be followed up in future studies. This study also set a high methodologic standard for psychiatric diagnosis in pediatric studies. It would be an understatement to say that more such studies are needed.
One would always wish for more in terms of information from drug trials in psychiatric diseases. A common physician complaint about these trials is that they fail to sufficiently inform clinical practice because of restricted entry criteria, fixed-dose design, and limited duration of treatment. It is true that initial registration trials have a goal of demonstrating superiority over placebo to become approved for the market. But this does not rule out additional Phase 4 studies done in large enough patient cohorts to fully inform pressing clinical issues. How do comorbid conditions alter drug response? What treatments are effective in medication nonresponders? What kinds of actions can be expected with long-term treatment? It will be important for industry to address these kinds of Phase 4 questions for clinical use as well as the registration trials.
One particular issue in our field makes informative clinical trials particularly difficult. This is that we do not know what exactly we are treating in terms of its biology. Psychiatric diagnoses are not based on molecular pathology (rather, phenomenology), and new drugs are not directed toward known, disease-related molecules (rather, toward hypotheses). Therefore, we may not be recruiting the correct patient populations for a particular treatment nor have a drug directed toward the disease pathophysiology. Moreover, we may not be measuring anywhere near the optimal outcome measures in our trials (e.g., consider the constraint of only measuring "fatigue" in the treatment of anemia, and not having a RBC count). Nonetheless, even though we do not yet have our molecular targets, we cannot give up on drug development. Indeed, we already have treatments for our diseases, and these may be better treatments than we deserve, based on the state of our knowledge. We need now to hone the treatments that we have and develop the valuable clinical trial methodologies to carry us into the future. Meanwhile, we need to translate the rich basic knowledge accumulating in neuroscience into advances for therapeutics.
Can the NY Times be anymore hypocritical pontificating about drug companies cooking the books on clinical trials when it has transparently done so with respect in it's efforts to depict our soldiers as homicidal maniacs?
And this is not the first time that a so-called objective source has fudged numbers in favor of an agenda. A Soros-funded researcher was behind the oft-stated, inaccurate, but never retracted number of 450,000 deaths due to the Iraq war that ran in Lancet. Read this article from the National Journal about this debacle. In the report the authors also note a study that ran in Lancet by a guy who fakes a story on the heels of the Vioxx scare about the risks of other anti-inflammatory meds. The media bought it hook line and sinker because it wasn't pharma funded. I am sure Health Care ReSewer commented favorably.
Of course the research was not paid for by Pharma so there is no bias.
More on so-called objective no-ax to grind types who criticize us that receive Soros and tort lawyer funding later.
And this is not the first time that a so-called objective source has fudged numbers in favor of an agenda. A Soros-funded researcher was behind the oft-stated, inaccurate, but never retracted number of 450,000 deaths due to the Iraq war that ran in Lancet. Read this article from the National Journal about this debacle. In the report the authors also note a study that ran in Lancet by a guy who fakes a story on the heels of the Vioxx scare about the risks of other anti-inflammatory meds. The media bought it hook line and sinker because it wasn't pharma funded. I am sure Health Care ReSewer commented favorably.
Of course the research was not paid for by Pharma so there is no bias.
More on so-called objective no-ax to grind types who criticize us that receive Soros and tort lawyer funding later.
The NEJM of medicine recycles the old story that many of negative studies about antidepressants were not published. That doesn't affect whether the drugs work or not. It does add to the distortion of what a negative study is and why they are negative. Most of the time they are negative because they simply confirm the hypothesis. Other times they are poorly designed or small studies of little statistical power. They don't prove that the drugs fail. There is a difference. Taken together they can often help guide who responds to what medicines or why not...which again is why we need the Critical Path.
To suggest that the failure to publish negative studies is part of a coverup is wrong and leads to fearmongering once again. We have been down this road. And journalists are once again raising unfounded fears about the safety and efficacy of drugs...leading people to die because they stop taking medicines because of the fearmongering the media has engaged in regarding vaccines, SSRIs, Avandia, Vioxx and Vytorin. As for the public relations benefit of publishing negative studies...there is none. Just the opposite. I am afraid the willingness to confuse negative studies with "doesn't work" will lead to further congressional and media assaults on the scientific process. We will all be sicker and more imperiled for it.
To wit:
Lawmakers Have Vytorin Questions
January 16, 2008 5:08 p.m.
Congress is investigating advertising for the cholesterol-busting drug Vytorin in the wake of a study that suggested the pill may have no advantage over a generic cholesterol-lowering medicine.
In letters dated today and addressed to Schering-Plough Corp. and Merck & Co., which jointly sell Vytorin, and to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Reps. John Dingell and Bart Stupak, Michigan Democrats, raised questions about the ads for the medicine. The news was first reported in The Wall Street Journal' Health Blog.
In the letter to the companies, the congressmen wrote that the House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce and its Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations are probing the "withholding of clinical trial data that may significantly affect the medical management of hypercholesterolemia, as well as the use of misleading statement in direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription medicines."
Vytorin is in the news this week after the results of a long-awaited study, called Enhance, indicating that the drug may be no better than a generic statin at slowing the progression of heart disease.
Or this...courtesy of Time magazine via fearmonger Steve Nissen:
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008
Is Vytorin a Failure?
By Alice Park
After nearly two years of waiting, the results came out on Monday on the long-awaited heart drug Vytorin — and the news wasn't good. Vytorin's manufacturers, Merck and Schering-Plough, announced that while the drug reduced levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, in a group of 750 patients, the medication, which has been on the market since 2004, had little effect on the buildup of plaque in the arteries, a harbinger of heart attack and stroke.
To many experts, the results were both a surprise and a warning. "The fact that the trial showed a huge LDL" — or bad cholesterol — "reduction, and that things were still going the wrong way [as far as plaque buildup went] is stunning," says Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and an outspoken critic of the delay in the release of the study results. "This study shows that it matters how you lower cholesterol, not just how much you lower cholesterol."
Right. It pays to release negative studies. At least the researchers put their name on the study. The same thing can't be said about Nissen.,8599,1703827,00.html
To suggest that the failure to publish negative studies is part of a coverup is wrong and leads to fearmongering once again. We have been down this road. And journalists are once again raising unfounded fears about the safety and efficacy of drugs...leading people to die because they stop taking medicines because of the fearmongering the media has engaged in regarding vaccines, SSRIs, Avandia, Vioxx and Vytorin. As for the public relations benefit of publishing negative studies...there is none. Just the opposite. I am afraid the willingness to confuse negative studies with "doesn't work" will lead to further congressional and media assaults on the scientific process. We will all be sicker and more imperiled for it.
To wit:
Lawmakers Have Vytorin Questions
January 16, 2008 5:08 p.m.
Congress is investigating advertising for the cholesterol-busting drug Vytorin in the wake of a study that suggested the pill may have no advantage over a generic cholesterol-lowering medicine.
In letters dated today and addressed to Schering-Plough Corp. and Merck & Co., which jointly sell Vytorin, and to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Reps. John Dingell and Bart Stupak, Michigan Democrats, raised questions about the ads for the medicine. The news was first reported in The Wall Street Journal' Health Blog.
In the letter to the companies, the congressmen wrote that the House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce and its Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations are probing the "withholding of clinical trial data that may significantly affect the medical management of hypercholesterolemia, as well as the use of misleading statement in direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription medicines."
Vytorin is in the news this week after the results of a long-awaited study, called Enhance, indicating that the drug may be no better than a generic statin at slowing the progression of heart disease.
Or this...courtesy of Time magazine via fearmonger Steve Nissen:
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008
Is Vytorin a Failure?
By Alice Park
After nearly two years of waiting, the results came out on Monday on the long-awaited heart drug Vytorin — and the news wasn't good. Vytorin's manufacturers, Merck and Schering-Plough, announced that while the drug reduced levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, in a group of 750 patients, the medication, which has been on the market since 2004, had little effect on the buildup of plaque in the arteries, a harbinger of heart attack and stroke.
To many experts, the results were both a surprise and a warning. "The fact that the trial showed a huge LDL" — or bad cholesterol — "reduction, and that things were still going the wrong way [as far as plaque buildup went] is stunning," says Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and an outspoken critic of the delay in the release of the study results. "This study shows that it matters how you lower cholesterol, not just how much you lower cholesterol."
Right. It pays to release negative studies. At least the researchers put their name on the study. The same thing can't be said about Nissen.,8599,1703827,00.html
A non-addictive drug for chronic pain? A breakthrough that sounds too good to be true. And to make matters worse, it's an "just" an "incremental improvement on an existing medication." And horrors of horrors, the brains behind this Clifford Woolf -- one of the world's experts on the molecular pathways of pain -- has been (sorry to say) a consultant to several drug companies.
So obviously nothing he develops can be trusted. Particularly if it relies on techniques developed through partnerships created to promote the Critical Path via the Reagan Udall Foundation.
A poisoned source will only produce poison. Especially if the funding is from Big Pharma at any point in time it's forever tainted and untrustworthy. Everything else said and done and funded from all other sources can be relied on without a doubt.
So the rule of thumb(s) should be. Let us call them the Poses Postulates in honor of Roy Poses MD of the Health Care Renewal bog who believes that anyone who receives any funding from Pharma cannot be trusted.
Don't trust Pharma research or the researchers they pay.
Don't trust the drugs they produce or market since the FDA is nothing but a tool or client of Pharma.
Don't use any drugs, especially those developed since PDUFA was enacted since that institutionalized the incest.
So if and when these new pain drugs come out...those who abide by this ideological approach to prescribing should avoid these treatments out of precaution and principle.
Read More
Right Dr. Poses?
So obviously nothing he develops can be trusted. Particularly if it relies on techniques developed through partnerships created to promote the Critical Path via the Reagan Udall Foundation.
A poisoned source will only produce poison. Especially if the funding is from Big Pharma at any point in time it's forever tainted and untrustworthy. Everything else said and done and funded from all other sources can be relied on without a doubt.
So the rule of thumb(s) should be. Let us call them the Poses Postulates in honor of Roy Poses MD of the Health Care Renewal bog who believes that anyone who receives any funding from Pharma cannot be trusted.
Don't trust Pharma research or the researchers they pay.
Don't trust the drugs they produce or market since the FDA is nothing but a tool or client of Pharma.
Don't use any drugs, especially those developed since PDUFA was enacted since that institutionalized the incest.
So if and when these new pain drugs come out...those who abide by this ideological approach to prescribing should avoid these treatments out of precaution and principle.
Read More
Right Dr. Poses?
Who do you trust? The New York Times editorial page or the consensus statement of the American College of Cardiology which said with regard to Vytorin:
"The study involved 720 patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and showed no significant difference in the primary endpoint between patients treated with ezetimibe and simvastatin versus patients treated with simvastatin alone over a two-year period. The study was designed to prove that Vytorin could slow the growth of plaque in carotid arteries supplying the brain more than simvastatin alone. Media reports indicate that the results of the trial show no benefit from the combination of ezetimibe (Zetia) and simvastatin (sold together as Vytorin) over simvastatin alone.
The American College of Cardiology recommends that major clinical decisions not be made on the basis of the ENHANCE study alone."
According to the American College of Cardiology (ACC), this study deserves serious thought and follow-up. The overall incidence rates of cardiac events were nearly identical between both treatment groups, and both medicines were generally well tolerated. There should no be reason for patients to panic. The difference in IMT changes between the simvastatin group and the Vytorin group was 0.006 mm vs. 0.011 mm.
Health care professionals should speak to their concerned patients using this drug. The ACC is also releasing a public statement explaining that this is not an urgent situation and patients should never stop taking any prescribed medications without first discussing the issue with their health care professional. Further research will be needed in this area to provide conclusive evidence about which lipid lowering strategy is preferred (statin alone vs. statin plus ezetimibe).
Furthermore, the ACC notes that this trial is an imaging study and not a clinical-outcome study. Conclusions should not be made until the three large clinical-outcome trials are presented within the next two to three years. The ACC recommends that Zetia remain a reasonable option for patients who are currently on a high dose statin but have not reached their goal. The ACC also notes that Zetia is a reasonable option for patients who cannot tolerate statins or can only tolerate a low dose statin.
On the subject of endpoints and markers. The Critical Path is not about using surrogate endpoints. Anyone who has listened to Dr. Woodcock more than once knows it is about finding and qualifying biomarkers -- molecular and imaging -- that predict disease progression and outcome as well as response to treatment -- as well as developing novel statistical ways that can be deployed across divisions and technologies to advance understanding of technology impact on disease.
The issue in the ENHANCE study was whether or not imaging studies were accurate measures of disease progression in this small population. Nothing more or less. In this regard, development of better standards and predictive imaging studies will help advance their use in clinical trials. Also let's remember that Dr. Nissen, who has trashed the results might be a bit biased since his own imaging studies demonstrated a regression of atherosclerosis by reducing LDL levels with another drug, something the NY Times failed to point out. And let's remember Dr. Nissen also tossed out imaging studies in another clinical trial looking at plaque regression because they were unreadable, so he just looked at the results of the readable ones.
At the risk of repeating myself again and again -- here's a link to the story we repeated when the MSM was looking for a Vytorin coverup months ago.
The problem with the Atherogenic drug that Nissen worked on was the same one -- more or less -- the scientists running the ENHANCE study struggled with. Namely, the statistical correlation was hard to measure because of the unwieldy nature of the biomarker. In each study, patients taking the drug did better than patients taking a placebo on most endpoints, just not on the endpoint most difficult to measure. But unlike the Nissen re-analysis, ENHANCE did not do an interim analysis with fewer patients to produce a benefit. The debate was whether or not to chuck the analysis altogether because of questions about the reliability of the biomarker.
Which is what the Critical Path is all about.
No need to panic or disregard your doctor in favor of the medical advice dispensed by the fearmongers and Pharm-haters on the NY Times editorial page.
"The study involved 720 patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and showed no significant difference in the primary endpoint between patients treated with ezetimibe and simvastatin versus patients treated with simvastatin alone over a two-year period. The study was designed to prove that Vytorin could slow the growth of plaque in carotid arteries supplying the brain more than simvastatin alone. Media reports indicate that the results of the trial show no benefit from the combination of ezetimibe (Zetia) and simvastatin (sold together as Vytorin) over simvastatin alone.
The American College of Cardiology recommends that major clinical decisions not be made on the basis of the ENHANCE study alone."
According to the American College of Cardiology (ACC), this study deserves serious thought and follow-up. The overall incidence rates of cardiac events were nearly identical between both treatment groups, and both medicines were generally well tolerated. There should no be reason for patients to panic. The difference in IMT changes between the simvastatin group and the Vytorin group was 0.006 mm vs. 0.011 mm.
Health care professionals should speak to their concerned patients using this drug. The ACC is also releasing a public statement explaining that this is not an urgent situation and patients should never stop taking any prescribed medications without first discussing the issue with their health care professional. Further research will be needed in this area to provide conclusive evidence about which lipid lowering strategy is preferred (statin alone vs. statin plus ezetimibe).
Furthermore, the ACC notes that this trial is an imaging study and not a clinical-outcome study. Conclusions should not be made until the three large clinical-outcome trials are presented within the next two to three years. The ACC recommends that Zetia remain a reasonable option for patients who are currently on a high dose statin but have not reached their goal. The ACC also notes that Zetia is a reasonable option for patients who cannot tolerate statins or can only tolerate a low dose statin.
On the subject of endpoints and markers. The Critical Path is not about using surrogate endpoints. Anyone who has listened to Dr. Woodcock more than once knows it is about finding and qualifying biomarkers -- molecular and imaging -- that predict disease progression and outcome as well as response to treatment -- as well as developing novel statistical ways that can be deployed across divisions and technologies to advance understanding of technology impact on disease.
The issue in the ENHANCE study was whether or not imaging studies were accurate measures of disease progression in this small population. Nothing more or less. In this regard, development of better standards and predictive imaging studies will help advance their use in clinical trials. Also let's remember that Dr. Nissen, who has trashed the results might be a bit biased since his own imaging studies demonstrated a regression of atherosclerosis by reducing LDL levels with another drug, something the NY Times failed to point out. And let's remember Dr. Nissen also tossed out imaging studies in another clinical trial looking at plaque regression because they were unreadable, so he just looked at the results of the readable ones.
At the risk of repeating myself again and again -- here's a link to the story we repeated when the MSM was looking for a Vytorin coverup months ago.
The problem with the Atherogenic drug that Nissen worked on was the same one -- more or less -- the scientists running the ENHANCE study struggled with. Namely, the statistical correlation was hard to measure because of the unwieldy nature of the biomarker. In each study, patients taking the drug did better than patients taking a placebo on most endpoints, just not on the endpoint most difficult to measure. But unlike the Nissen re-analysis, ENHANCE did not do an interim analysis with fewer patients to produce a benefit. The debate was whether or not to chuck the analysis altogether because of questions about the reliability of the biomarker.
Which is what the Critical Path is all about.
No need to panic or disregard your doctor in favor of the medical advice dispensed by the fearmongers and Pharm-haters on the NY Times editorial page.
As Mark Twain -- an author of choice here at drugwonks -- once said: "Presume you were an idiot. Then presume you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
Can any be so stupid and petty as to quibble about having the inventor of the artificial heart promoting as important a drug as Lipitor?
Apparently Bart Stupak and John Dingell think it rises to a high enough crime to demand a congressional investigation. And Katie Watson of the Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program at Northwestern University agrees: "To have a celebrity physician associated with cardiac health telling me I need Lipitor and when it costs significantly more than a generic alternative that might be appropriate for me— that's a physician motivated by a paycheck, not by patient health."
Let it be noted that Ms. Watson is famous for her lecture "Playing Doctor: Improvisational Theater & the Medical Encounter" which was presented at the Searle Seminar Room in the Medical Humanites and Bioethics building. That's Searle, as in the drug company, better known as Pharmacia which is now part guessed it...Pfizer.
But I digress. So apparently it is unethical to have a famous doctor who does not practice medicine promoting a brand drug that works. It is ethical to have someone playing doctor promote a generic drug that doesn't? Or how about a Nobel Prize Winner who is no longer licensed promoting a new drug? And how does Ms. Watson know if the Nobel Prize winner is motivated by a paycheck and not patient health? Is it wrong to accept a paycheck in the process of advancing patient care by being a spokesperson.
Back to Ms. Watson. " Katie is also the author of the screenplay Sperm Daddy, and a contributor to the TimeOut Chicago humor back page and the WBEZ news magazine 848." I wonder if she is motivated by a paycheck or patient health?
Can any be so stupid and petty as to quibble about having the inventor of the artificial heart promoting as important a drug as Lipitor?
Apparently Bart Stupak and John Dingell think it rises to a high enough crime to demand a congressional investigation. And Katie Watson of the Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program at Northwestern University agrees: "To have a celebrity physician associated with cardiac health telling me I need Lipitor and when it costs significantly more than a generic alternative that might be appropriate for me— that's a physician motivated by a paycheck, not by patient health."
Let it be noted that Ms. Watson is famous for her lecture "Playing Doctor: Improvisational Theater & the Medical Encounter" which was presented at the Searle Seminar Room in the Medical Humanites and Bioethics building. That's Searle, as in the drug company, better known as Pharmacia which is now part guessed it...Pfizer.
But I digress. So apparently it is unethical to have a famous doctor who does not practice medicine promoting a brand drug that works. It is ethical to have someone playing doctor promote a generic drug that doesn't? Or how about a Nobel Prize Winner who is no longer licensed promoting a new drug? And how does Ms. Watson know if the Nobel Prize winner is motivated by a paycheck and not patient health? Is it wrong to accept a paycheck in the process of advancing patient care by being a spokesperson.
Back to Ms. Watson. " Katie is also the author of the screenplay Sperm Daddy, and a contributor to the TimeOut Chicago humor back page and the WBEZ news magazine 848." I wonder if she is motivated by a paycheck or patient health?
Have a look at today’s New York Times house editorial, “Cholesterol Drug Bombs.â€
There are a number of issues going on here, but pay particular attention to these two paragraphs:
“There are reasons to be cautious about interpreting these results. The number of patients was relatively small. And many of them may have used different drug treatments for years before entering the trial, possibly diminishing the effectiveness of adding Zetia …
The findings also raise doubts about the current belief that lowering cholesterol is the key to cardiovascular health. The study showed that Vytorin reduced bad cholesterol significantly more than Zocor alone. The problem was that it failed to reduce the formation of plaque.â€
Here’s what well-respected cardiologist (and CMPI board chairman) Dr. Michael Weber has to say:
“The study with Vytorin looked only at surrogate endpoints, not morbidity and mortality. The ongoing clinical outcomes trials will answer the questions definitively. We must hope that the alarmist comments by certain opinion leaders quoted in the lay press will not compromise the integrity of these critical studies by intimidating the patients who have been enrolled. We should not forget that many people simply cannot use statins in full doses due to side effects, so properly studying Zetia and Vytorin is absolutely vital.â€
As to whether or not clinical data was withheld (or as the Times writes, “cynically" sat on) is another issue altogether and cannot be allowed to muddy the far more important clinical questions.
There are a number of issues going on here, but pay particular attention to these two paragraphs:
“There are reasons to be cautious about interpreting these results. The number of patients was relatively small. And many of them may have used different drug treatments for years before entering the trial, possibly diminishing the effectiveness of adding Zetia …
The findings also raise doubts about the current belief that lowering cholesterol is the key to cardiovascular health. The study showed that Vytorin reduced bad cholesterol significantly more than Zocor alone. The problem was that it failed to reduce the formation of plaque.â€
Here’s what well-respected cardiologist (and CMPI board chairman) Dr. Michael Weber has to say:
“The study with Vytorin looked only at surrogate endpoints, not morbidity and mortality. The ongoing clinical outcomes trials will answer the questions definitively. We must hope that the alarmist comments by certain opinion leaders quoted in the lay press will not compromise the integrity of these critical studies by intimidating the patients who have been enrolled. We should not forget that many people simply cannot use statins in full doses due to side effects, so properly studying Zetia and Vytorin is absolutely vital.â€
As to whether or not clinical data was withheld (or as the Times writes, “cynically" sat on) is another issue altogether and cannot be allowed to muddy the far more important clinical questions.
Representative Rosa DeLauro has introduced the Cloned Food Labeling Act, which would require the FDA and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to mandate that all food derived from cloned animals be labeled.
She’s not happy with the FDA’s stance on the safety of food:
“The studies on which the FDA is basing its assessment include very little information on the specific question of whether food from cloned animals is safe."
But, according to the FDA, the agency has "studies that show that the meat and milk from cattle clones and their offspring are as safe as that from conventionally bred animals."
The agency has been studying this issue in great detail for a very long period of time. In fact, many of the world's leading experts on this issue work at the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. During my tenure at the FDA (which ended in 2004), this issue was already being deeply investigated and intensely debated.
Representative DeLauro, rather than shooting from the hip, should call the FDA and ask for a briefing.
She’s not happy with the FDA’s stance on the safety of food:
“The studies on which the FDA is basing its assessment include very little information on the specific question of whether food from cloned animals is safe."
But, according to the FDA, the agency has "studies that show that the meat and milk from cattle clones and their offspring are as safe as that from conventionally bred animals."
The agency has been studying this issue in great detail for a very long period of time. In fact, many of the world's leading experts on this issue work at the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. During my tenure at the FDA (which ended in 2004), this issue was already being deeply investigated and intensely debated.
Representative DeLauro, rather than shooting from the hip, should call the FDA and ask for a briefing.