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Today, accounts and results are far from conclusive ; and this includes healthcare policy where reform is largely non-existent ; words are not deeds.
A recent article in the Quotidien du Médecin (weekly for health professionals) wrote last week : « Indeed, the system of co-payments, vigorously opposed by public opinion, has been implemented but that’s about it. For the rest – be it hospitals, private sector physicians, financing of the public health insurance or the announced revolution through regional health authorities – we are kindly asked to await the autumn or even 2009. »
Well said. In truth, any wholesale reform of « the world’s best system » will have to tackle awesome vested interests, both private and public. Which is why the government is loath to launch any radical initiatives. As in education, the nominal « private » sector remains heavily tied to state authorities. And although reports have shown, quite recently, that productivity is substantially higher in the private hospital sector, the administration consistently squeezes private provision of health care.
And as for being world champion a couple of years ago (in the EHCI index:
France slipped to third place this year. Something is happening ; let’s hope policy makers have noticed.
Sad news is no less sad when you know its coming.
The New York Times reports that, “Most medical schools the United States fail to police adequately the money, gifts and free drug samples that pharmaceutical companies routinely shower on doctors and trainees, according to a ranking by the American Medical Student Association."
According to Dr. Brian Hurley, president of the AMSA, “These policies are incredibly important to protect the educational experience students have at school and the quality of the education they’re getting.” The Times reports that, "Schools that shield students from marketing messages will produce doctors who provide better care to patients, Dr. Hurley said."
Really? Why is that? No evidence provided. Just empty rhetoric but, since it’s in the New York Times, fit to print.
The Times’ story continues, “The role played by pharmaceutical and device makers in the education of doctors has become an increasingly controversial topic, with some top medical schools placing a growing number of restrictions on the longtime practice of providing free food, gifts and educational seminars to trainees.”
But, again, no facts to show why this isn’t anything more than a tempest in a teapot being brewed by the usual suspects.
And, speaking of the usual suspects – guess what public policy expert the Times quotes on the matter? Yup – Sid Wolfe.
“Most of the medical school bureaucracies are getting too much money and other forms of largess from the drug industry to initiate these healthy, long overdue policies on their own,” Dr. Wolfe said.
Here’s a link to the complete story in today’s Times:
Where’s the other side of the argument? Invisible in today's New York Times, but it’s there. It’s important. It’s not hiding. In fact, it’s easy to find and high profile.
Consider the recent op-ed in the Boston Herald by Dennis Ausiello and Thomas P. Stossel (both of
“… Despite extensive training, physicians cannot know the details of all products, especially new ones. Therefore, company salespersons complement physicians’ information derived from many sources. They tell physicians about a limited range of products about which their employers train them under strict FDA regulations.”
“… We believe that the best approach to optimize cost effectiveness of product prescribing is to promote more, not less, interaction among all stakeholders involved in health-care delivery, including company marketing reps.”
Here’s a link to their complete op-ed:
It wasn’t hard to find. In fact, it was made easier by the fact that Dr. Stossel testified in front of Congress on this issue – recently.
Dr. Mark Thornton, in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, wrote that Senator Charles Grassley, "is demanding a full-scale review of each and every product ever approved," and is asking for a rejudgment by GAO "to ensure that drugs approved on surrogate endpoints are both safe and effective."
Which caused the following clarification from the senior senator from
"Surrogate end points are a valid way for the FDA to approve drugs."
Thanks to Mark (a CMPI board member), Senator Grassley was forced to admit that 21st century science is appropriate for the regulation of 21st century medicines.
When it comes to advancing the public health, there shouldn't be any room for political rhetoric.
(But, alas, we live in the real world. All the more reason to call it like we see it.)
According to an article in (the Wall Street Journal’s news partner in India), “For the first time ever, a consensus has evolved on creating global patent databases, monitoring drug prices and encouraging companies to differentially price their drugs, as a burgeoning health care bill pushes governments towards sourcing cheaper medicines.”
Here's the complete livemint article:
It’s taken 20 years but Barack Obama has once and for all quit. Not Trinity United Church of Christ, but smoking, a habit he picked up around the same time he joined the controversial ministry.
To do so, he has been chewing Nicorette, the smoking cessation gum. And he’s been chewing it longer and in larger amounts than is on the label.
Is Obama’s off-label use bad or dangerous? According to the dictates of Tabloid Medicine, of course it is.
However, Tara-Parker Pope puts his Nicorette consumption in proper perspective:
“Mr. Obama has said he started using the nicotine gum Nicorette about nine months ago. That’s six months longer than the three months recommended on the gum package label. And Mr. Obama is not the only quitter who is still seeking a nicotine fix months after giving up cigarettes. A small percentage of the people who use nicotine replacement products like gums or lozenges end up hooked on a new habit, say doctors who specialize in smoking cessation…..”
“The problem is not that people use it too much,'’ noted Lynn T. Kozlowski, interim dean of the school of public health and health professions at the University at Buffalo. “The greater problem is that they use it too little. People use it for a week, and then they are back smoking cigarettes.”
Then there is the individual variation in nicotine dependence shaped by genetics. A paper entitled: "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Clinical Trials, and Tobacco Research: The Search for the Smoking Gun," explored the associations between genetic variations, nicotine usage, and the potential effects on smoking cessation techniques according to a press release from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
This explains differences in Nicorette uses and variations in response to Chantix.
Someone might want to send that paper to Senator Grassley and Alicia Mundy of the WSJ both of whom seem eager to blame side effects of Chantix on a FDA-Pfizer coverup instead of “genetic variations at the receptor level, the drug metabolism level, or both.”
Read ASCO Article
That would be intellectually honest