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CanWest is arguing in the Ontario Superior Court that this prohibition, which is part of the Canadian Food and Drugs Act, places it at a competitive disadvantage to US newspaper and magazines which are sold on Canadian newsstands, because it prevents it from selling advertising space to pharmaceutical manufacturers. The company also points out that Canada does allow OTC medicines to be advertised directly to consumers, even though these products also carry risks.
The case will be heard this month.
Earlier in the day the Reference Committee on Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws recommended the CEJA report “for referral" so that it will not be presented on the house floor for a vote.
Since the Reference Committee did not recommend “not adoption,” CEJA can revise and (improve) their report for presentation at a later meeting as soon as this time next year. However, given the strength of almost unanimous opposition to the recommendation, it’s not likely come back to the House of Delegates anytime soon.
At the reference committee hearing on Sunday only two speakers spoke in favor of adoption of the report; the current CEJA chairman, Mark Levine, MD, and one other physician( unaffiliated).
According to our roving correspondent, when Dr. Levine stood up at the microphone to present his committee’s report he told the Chairman of the reference committee, Dr. Raymond Christenson, that he wouldn’t take up much time given that all those behind him in line were in favor of the proposal -- at which the chairman commented, “Dr. Levine there is no one behind you, so take your time.”
What time is it when Dr. Levine can’t see his shadow? Time to toss in the towel.
One of the strongest, most consistent, and eloquent voices against the CEJA proposal was Dr. Tom Stossel, American Cancer Society Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
We recently visited with Tom in his Boston office. Here’s a link to the video podcast:
Take your time Tom; we’re all behind you.
We call our project
We're beginning our initiative with a short movie that, we believe, shows why Big Government healthcare is the wrong prescription for the United States.
Please join us for the Washington, DC premiere on June 23 , from 6:30 - 8:00PM, at the National Press Club.
We will be joined by Congressman John Shadegg, former Senator Don Nickles and other healthcare players (we've even gotten an RSVP from a presidential candidate).
The complete invitation, along with RSVP information, can be found at the top of this page
When it comes to healthcare reform, is Cinéma-vérité.
According to a new editorial in the Lancet, “From February to April this year, the European Commission (EC) held a public consultation on proposed legal changes that would allow pharmaceutical companies to provide information to patients about prescription-only drugs via all available media. The Commission's proposal states that the ban on direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) in
The editorial concludes, “Patients have a fundamental right to access good quality, objective information on medicines. The EC's final proposal, due out later this year, must empower patients and not the drug industry.”
And as far as the Lancet stipulating bias, consider the words of Robert Benchley:
"Tell us your phobias, and we will tell you what you are afraid of."
Read more here