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Case in point: The WaPo piece on Provenge makes two major mistakes.. Actually three. Naw, make that four.
1. It gets the price of Provenge wrong. It is a vaccine that is administered three times at a retail price of $93k. Not $270K as cited in the article.
2. To suggest that the total price of the drug equals a quality adjusted life year (QALY) is absurd. The chart that goes along with the article is inaccurate and misleading. Moreover, a QALY is a rule of thumb developed back in 1985 to estimate the value of dialysis care for Medicare. To write as if $50K or $100K is a cutoff and a scientific one at at is misleading. Wrong on both counts then.
3. The article states: " In a study involving 512 patients with advanced prostate cancer, Provenge increased median survival from 21.7 months to 25.8 months." Way wrong and way misleading. There are patients who have lived for more than five years after Provenge. And as a legal brief from CareToLIve notes: " Appellee attempts to underwhelm the Court by stressing a 4.5 month “average” extension in survival to Provenge patients. That understates the effectiveness. Average is different from median. It’s an important distinction because misuse of the term "median survival" is one of the deceptive arguments used by those who are against Provenge approval (FDA). When anti-Provenge forces use the "average" terminology and attribute it to the median, they are undercutting the total Provenge beneficial effect. At the time of the committee meeting it is estimated that the actual average survival benefit in the 9901 trial was in the 10-12 month range, judging from the likely survival through Feb/Mar 2007 of 20 out of the 28 three-year survivors from 10/04. These 20 Provenge arm survivors would have lived anywhere from 5.5 to 7 years after their randomization between 1/00 and 10/01. underwhelm the Court by stressing a 4.5 month “average” extension in survival to Provenge patients. That understates the effectiveness. Average is different from median. It’s an important distinction because misuse of the term "median survival" is one of the deceptive arguments used by those who are against Provenge approval (FDA). When anti-Provenge forces use the "average" terminology and attribute it to the median, they are undercutting the total Provenge beneficial effect. At the time of the committee meeting it is estimated that the actual average survival benefit in the 9901 trial was in the 10-12 month range, judging from the likely survival through Feb/Mar 2007 of 20 out of the 28 three-year survivors from 10/04. These 20 Provenge arm survivors would have lived anywhere from 5.5 to 7 years after their randomization between 1/00 and 10/01.
4. And WaPo has yet to correct these facts. It did correct the name of the individual who got the Provenge math wrong.
And a bonus: It quotes Sean Tunis and Alan Garber without noting they both were on the Institute of Medicine committee setting comparative effectiveness priorities as well as recipients of CER dough. (If Garber had his way back in 1992, there would have been no new cancer or orphan drugs since he wrote then that the Orphan Drug Act allows the development of drugs that “do not meet traditional cost effectiveness criteria." See Benefits vs. profits: has the Orphan Drug Act gone too far? Pharmacoeconomics, 5:88- 92, 1994 and Gaucher Disease Edited by Anthony H. Futerman and Ari Zimran, Chapter 28.
The situation in Puerto Rico just gets stranger.
The latest news is that some leaders of the Commonwealth’s labor movement asked the legislature (on Friday) to amend Law 154 and impose a fixed tax of between seven to ten percent on foreign companies doing business on the island .
(Law 154 imposes a special tax of four per cent on non-resident companies. That means all of the “Big Pharma” firms doing business on the island. It was enacted minus any public input or comment.)
The head of the Workers Federation of Puerto Rico, and representatives of the Puerto Rico Central Workers Union and the Brotherhood of Ports Authority Workers claim that a permanent 7 percent corporate tax provide the funds to hire back some of the 20,000 public employees fired due to the island’s economic malaise.
To put that into immediate perspective -- According to a 2006 survey, the biopharma sector supports over 94,000 jobs in Puerto Rico. Talk about fuzzy math. Put 94,000 private sector jobs at risk to rehire 20,000 government workers? What’s wrong with this picture?
Surprising for many reasons, not the least of which is the recent commitment to the Molecular Sciences Center, the BioProcess Training and Development Center, and the Puerto Rico Cancer Center -- part of a larger effort by Puerto Rico to attract research and development in the life sciences. Raise taxes to increase corporate investment? Where’s that economic theory being taught? Faber College?
As Patrician Van Arnum wrote in Pharmaceutical Technology, “Puerto Rico competes with other established areas for pharmaceutical manufacturing investment such as Singapore and Ireland. And China and India, although still emerging areas for pharmaceutical investment, are a consideration for future development.”
Someone should mention this to Governor Luis Fortuño.
Unintended Consequences of Health Care Reform: Everyone's a Criminal But Nobody Cares
Posted: 07 Nov 2010 08:59 AM PST
Proposed diabetes changes leave sour taste
By Theresa Flaherty Managing Editor - 10.29.2010
BALTIMORE - When it comes to diabetes treatment, one size doesn't fit all, stakeholders told CMS medical directors at an Oct. 26 public hearing on the proposed changes to the benefit.
The changes, outlined in a draft local coverage determination (LCD) issued in September, would limit the number of allowed strips, based on frequency of injections, to six per day for insulin-dependent beneficiaries. It would limit the number of allowed strips to one per day for non-insulin dependent beneficiaries.
"It's not that cookie cutter," said Chris Smith, director of policy and regulatory affairs for the National Community Pharmacists Association. "Every individual has different variables that may require them to test more frequently on some days than others."..
But CMS really doesn't care...
"There's a large number of patients we serve that are testing above the (proposed) limits," said Belmonte. "By limiting and not allowing any overages, there could be some clinical implications."
If Medicare won't pay for additional strips, beneficiaries probably won't either, especially those on fixed incomes, Belmonte said.
"I honestly feel that many would choose to sacrifice their health (if they can't) test at what their healthcare provider recommends," she said.
The draft LCD also seeks to require additional documentation regarding physician-beneficiary contact and a testing log maintained by the beneficiary that demonstrates the prescribed frequency for 70% of the testing times.
"(DME providers) can't control what (physicians document) in the record, but without the proper documentation, you are going to have claims denied," said Smith.
Bending the cost curve = sticking it to diabetics, especially those who are poor.
I predict an oversight hearing in January...
18% from biotech companies..
16% from universities, transferred to biotech.
8% from universities, transferred to pharma.
Orac on what it means to be “anti-vaccine”:
Read more here.
The Republican takeover in the House has drug industry stakeholders watching to see which member becomes chairman of a key committee, Energy and Commerce.
First in line for the committee chair is Texas Republican Joe Barton - ranking member since 2007 after Democrats wrested House control in the 2006 congressional elections.
Barton would need a waiver from the party to take the chair, a move considered unlikely following a gaffe this summer in which he demanded President Obama apologize to BP following the administration's response to the Gulf oil spill.
Reps. Cliff Stearns of Florida and John Shimkus of Illinois also are expected to make a play for the top spot, but Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan is currently viewed by Hill observers as the front runner. Upton's donations to other Republicans' campaigns during this election cycle improved his chances significantly.
In two other key House committees - Oversight and Government Reform and the Appropriations subcommittee with FDA oversight - the current ranking Republican member is expected to take the chair.
California Rep. Darrell Issa likely will take the lead on Oversight from Rep. Edolphus Towns of New York. Issa has been vigorous in his criticism of federal agencies under the Obama administration..
Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston is in line to take the Appropriations Agriculture subcommittee from Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, who has been the most vocal and consistent advocate for creating a separate food safety agency from components of FDA, Department of Agriculture and other agencies.
Kingston hasn't been a major player on health care issues. But he has made a point of disagreeing with DeLauro's stances. For example, during a 2008 Ag subcommittee hearing on FDA's Safety First initiative on post-market safety. Kingston is "pro-FDA" and would like to hear "more about successes" there, On the down side, Kingston has continued to speak out in favor of importation.
Let the jockeying begin!
It's called tossing a bone. As in an effort to call off the dogs.
President Obama:
The president said he is still open to hearing some of the Republicans ideas for how to “tweak and make improvements” on the health care system, and mentioned one by name by way of example .
“The 1099 provision in the health care bill appears to be too burdensome for small businesses. It just involves too much paperwork, too much filing. It's probably counterproductive. It was designed to make sure that revenue was raised to help pay for some of the other provisions. But if it ends up just being so much -- so much trouble that small businesses find it difficult to manage, that's something that we should take a look at."
Harry Reid:
" If there's some tweaking we need to do with the healthcare bill, I'm ready for some tweaking," Reid said in an interview on CNN, after Republicans captured the U.S. House of Representatives in Tuesday's midterm elections.
And the media is taking up the term..
Reuters channels Reid:
Republican wins could push healthcare tweaks | Reuters
And NPR has already decided that only "tweaks" to Obamacare are possible:
SIDE EFFECTS: Tweaks To Health Law Likely; Repeal Not
Apparently NPR was too fixated on Juan Williams to notice what the election was all about: George Will provides a take on why "tweaks" are simply the opening bid of the Left to hold on to their taxpayer subsidized sand castles:
The progressive agenda is actually legitimated by the incomprehension and anger it elicits: If the people do not resent and resist what is being done on their behalf, what is being done is not properly ambitious. If it is comprehensible to its intended beneficiaries, it is the work of insufficiently advanced thinkers.Of course the masses do not understand that the only flaw of the stimulus was its frugality, and that Obamacare's myriad coercions are akin to benevolent parental discipline. If the masses understood what progressives understand, would progressives represent a real vanguard of progress?...
Will concludes:
Don Boudreaux agreed that interest-group liberalism has indeed been leavened by idea-driven liberalism. Which is the problem.
"These ideas," Boudreaux says, "are almost exclusively about how other people should live their lives. These are ideas about how one group of people (the politically successful) should engineer everyone else's contracts, social relations, diets, habits, and even moral sentiments." Liberalism's ideas are "about replacing an unimaginably large multitude of diverse and competing ideas . . . with a relatively paltry set of 'Big Ideas' that are politically selected, centrally imposed, and enforced by government, not by the natural give, take and compromise of the everyday interactions of millions of people."
This was the serious concern that percolated beneath the normal froth and nonsense of the elections: Is political power - are government commands and controls - superseding and suffocating the creativity of a market society's spontaneous order? On Tuesday, a rational and alarmed American majority said "yes."
Okay, take a breath.
How many times did you hear the words “historic realignment” over the course of this election cycle? How many times did you hear it when President Obama was elected two years ago? How many times when the Democrats took control of Congress four years ago?
We can safely assume that, when it comes to “historic realignment,” the phrase has been overused and is largely rhetorical -- unless you are a fan of the Miami Heat.
But that doesn’t mean the midterms are unimportant or unlikely to deliver some real health care-related fireworks. Au contraire.
When it comes to health care reform and a 21st century Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will the 112th Congress be sanguine or sanguinary? Or is there a third way – of bipartisanship?
- 1- New members – who will need to be educated on many important and arcane policy points;
- 2- New staff – who will have the power to influence the education of their new masters; and,
- 3- New committee and subcommittee chairs – who will have the power to call hearings, select witnesses and wield the power of the gavel over some very exigent issues.
- Take another breath.
Will the 112th Congress usher in a new spirit of bipartisanship on healthcare reform and a 21st century FDA?
That’s the difference between a hearing aid and a hearing problem.
That’s the difference between addressing policy concerns and playing politics.
Winners and losers (and not to mention “enemies”) aside, we’ve got an opportunity to work together on healthcare, FDA and a plethora of other issues.
Or we can all go down with the (partisan) ship. It’s time for pragmatism.
To paraphrase, "Voters, what have you wrought?" "An opportunity -- if you can keep it."
For a complete response to the impact of the election, click here to read CMPI's complete "Midterm Missive."
It is simply a flack for the anti-medical progress and rationing crowd.
The website is a "project" of the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making. The Foundation is a pass through for HealthDialog, which has turned the Dartmouth belief that one third of healthcare is wasted into a decision tool health plans use to scare people away from things like prostate cancer surgery, hip replacements and other 'wasteful' activities. Hence, as a project of the Foundation it promote the company line that new technologies should be evaluated in terms of cost and should be covered according to comparative effectiveness methodology. The site has also helpfully put out a manual for health care reporters to 'guide' them in how to report on medical innovations.
Healthnewsreview also provides a list of 'independent' experts on health care. It includes Vera Sharav who runs the Alliance for Human Research Protection.. That's the group that says SSRIs cause suicide. Very objective and scientific. And Peter Breggin, who believes medication does not really work for mental illness.
Also, Marcia Angell, Arnold Relman, Merrill Goozner and a bunch of other people who make their living consulting for trial lawyers who sue drug companies.
The guy who runs this, Gary Schweitzer, is biased, which is ok. But he is trying to pass himself off as the arbiter of objective journalism regarding healthcare.
To me, he is a full blown tabloid medicine machine with lots of dough to support him from a company that makes money by rationing healthcare.
Blood money.