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Caste of Characters

  • 09.16.2008

The House Energy & Commerce Committee needs to help fix the problem, not the blame.

Statements coming out of the committee like -- “The FDA has refused to take meaningful regulatory action despite the fact that, for the past three years, it possessed credible information that Ranbaxy had engaged in a pattern of fraudulent behavior regarding its generic drug applications and records pertaining to good manufacturing practices.” -- is not being fair to an agency that at the time under debate and yet today is under-funded and under-staffed.

But when the committee says -- “The FDA, for example, conducted preapproval inspections for only 17 percent of the Ranbaxy applications approved since January 2005. It also allowed Ranbaxy to perform the key bioequivalence studies for generic drug approvals in facilities owned by the firm and conducted by clinicians employed by the firm.” – they’re right.  The same rule that holds true for innovator companies must also applied to generic drug manufacturers – otherwise the public’s queasiness about the quality and character of generic drugs will continue.

But Representative John Dingell, who chairs the committee, goes to far when he says, “The heparin fiasco made it clear that the FDA had compromised the policies that were put in place during the last generic drug scandal to protect the public from fraud. This latest Ranbaxy announcement further confirms that those protective policies are in shambles. The FDA is not doing its best to protect the medicines that Americans depend on for their health.”

That’s not true.  It’s not fair.  And it’s not helpful.

Panic Over Plastics

  • 09.16.2008
You gotta love the media ...

FDA backs BPA as study links it to heart disease, diabetes
For the first time, a large, population-based study links a chemical in plastic baby bottles to heart disease and diabetes in humans. Some scientists say the study — released today to coincide with a Food and Drug Administration meeting— shows that bisphenol A, or BPA, is too dangerous to allow in consumer products, especially those used by babies and pregnant women.

Really, and I thought it was the all the junk food the corporations put in the plastic bottles that were the cause of those diseases.  I guess the evil corporations are just hell bent on killing people...and the FDA, which is "backing" BPA is just doing the bidding of it's corporate masters..

And most important a study in JAMA  by David Melzer and crew that ostensibly links high levels of BPA with increased incidence of heart disease and diabetes supposedly proves that BPA causes these illnesses.  The study found "that higher BPA concentrations were associated with diagnoses of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We also found associations between higher BPA concentrations and clinically abnormal concentrations of the 3 liver enzymes examined, namely GGT, alkaline phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Importantly, we observed no associations with the other common conditions examined, suggesting specificity of the associations. A series of sensitivity analyses provided further support for the specificity of the associations found." 

Which lead a BPA expert named John Peterson Myers to invoke THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE in a side-by-side editorial in JAMA:

"It's impossible to say that BPA is safe,"

The problem is that the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which were used to estimate daily intake of BPA, shows that most Americans, regardless of age, have a median intake have approximately three orders of magnitude below health-based guidance values of 50 mug/kg-day....

So Melzer et. al stacked the deck with respect to the BPA levels to demonstrate a correlation with self reported claims of having been diagnosed with diabetes or heart disease and snap shots of insulin and C-reactive protein levels...\

Are we all on the same page now?

FDA Inks Penn

  • 09.16.2008
FDA and the University of Pennsylvania have signed a five-year MOU to work on advancing (among other things) drug/device co-development, companion diagnostics, translational medicine and new clinical trial models.

All good things.

The issue of companion diagnostics is particularly crucial or, more appropriately, critical (yes -- like in Critical Path) -- and not just for existing medications (warfarin and Herceptin come to mind) -- but also for pipeline programs.  Are we approaching a time when the FDA might consider asking for companion diagnostics to be developed as part of the approval process for some products?  That would be a 21st century personalized partnership, adding a whole different dimension to both safety and efficacy.

The FDA/Penn agreement also will faciliate interaction between the FDA and Penn students -- an important next step in the agency's urgent need to expand its recruitment efforts.

Particular congrats go out  to Mary Poos, the FDA's Sultana of MOUs, for yet another job well done.

With all the focus on drug safety, what’s gotten lost in the shuffle is the issue of safe use.

According to an April 2007 Harris Poll, more than one-third of Americans surveyed decided not to take a prescribed medicine because of safety concerns about risks and more than a quarter chose not to fill a prescription at all over safety concern.

And, according to Gretchen S. Dieck, Ph.D., senior vice president, Safety and Risk Management for Pfizer, “… surveys of practicing physicians, health policy experts and the general public have revealed a lack of understanding of the fundamental safety science, processes and terminology.  This can contribute to misinformed decisions by patients about treatment options, which can lead to sub-optimal health outcomes.”

To that end, Pfizer Inc announced today the launch of a new interactive online educational resource,

It’s worth a look – and it’s a good conversation starter on the important issue of sharing responsibility when it comes to both the safety and safe use of medicines.

Insuring Profits

  • 09.15.2008

Talk about putting profits before patients!

According to a Medical Society of the State of New survey, the vast majority of physicians practicing in New York say they feel pressure from insurance companies to prescribe certain medical treatments, sometimes at the expense of what is best for patients.

Of the over 1200 physicians surveyed this month, 90% said they changed the way they treat patients based on restrictions from an insurance company, and 92% said incentives and disincentives offered by insurance companies regarding treatment options "may not be in the best interest of patients."

87% of physicians said they sometimes feel pressure to prescribe a treatment based on cost. About 93% of physicians said insurance companies have required them to change prescriptions in the past.

To see how that plays out when you extrapolate private greed to bureaucratic need, click

Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA), America’s very own Oversighter-in-Chief, wants to require drug companies to submit reprints of journal articles that discuss off-label use to the FDA before said companies can provide them to physicians.

A modest proposal.

You know what would be even better – what about this – all medical journals have to submit their manuscripts to Mr. Waxman's office before they’re even published in the first place. After all, shouldn’t we address the problem in its most nascent stage?

(Yes, of course, after peer review.)

Better yet, maybe congressionally-appointed health care commissars should sit in on the peer review process of every medical publication? Why not? And, while we're at it, these new comrade commissars should also attend all pre-NDA agency meetings that discuss clinical trial designs.  Needless to say, a statutory voting seat (with veto authority!) on all advisory committies should be de rigueur.

Better still, perhaps PDUFA fees should cover the hiring of FDA political commissars who would have veto power over agency decisions?

These ideas are perfectly consistent with so many other congressional efforts at improving our health care system – just like “academic detailers” – health care commissars of another sort.

Welcome to the Comrade Commissars of Government Heath Care.

And caveat emptor.

My review of Paul Offit, MD's new book about the savage war against science being waged by the anti-vaccine movement...

Meanwhile the NEJM/media's war against Gardasil's approval for use in women up the age of 26 failed...

Gardasil Approved to Target More Cancers

FDA Expands HPV Vaccine Gardasil to Prevent Certain Cancers of the Vulva and Vagina
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Sept. 12, 2008 -- The FDA today announced that the vaccine Gardasil may be used to prevent some cancers of the vulva and vagina in girls and women ages 9-26.

Gardasil is already approved to help prevent a leading cause of cervical cancer in women of that same age range.

Gardasil targets four strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause most cases of cervical cancer. Two of those HPV strains can also cause some vulvar and vaginal cancers.

"There is now strong evidence showing that this vaccine can help prevent vulvar and vaginal cancers due to the same viruses for which it also helps protect against cervical cancer," Jesse L. Goodman, MD, MPH, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, says in a news release.

"While vulvar and vaginal cancers are rare, the opportunity to help prevent them is potentially an important additional benefit from immunization against HPV," Goodman says.

Yeah, well to the media it's all just "hype".

If I do say so myself.

Have a look at our latest newsmaker interview with Representative Joe Pitts (R,PA).

AP reports that Food and Drug Administration has recently hired more than 1,300 professional staffers in a move that “officials hope will help it better protect the public health amid rapid technological and scientific change.”

40% or so of the total positions are paid for via PDUFA fees; ergo the new hires will mainly be evaluating new drugs or medical devices and, in some cases, monitoring safety issues.

That’s great news.  But where are they all going to park? White Oak isn’t even finished yet and already it’s looking like the seating charts will have to be rearranged – particularly since CDER is getting 663 new staffers.

It's a good problem to have.

CFSAN is slotted to get 104 -- a 10% increase (a good start – but not enough). And ORA will grow by 245. Good news.

1,000 of the new hires have already started, with another 158 due to report later this month. An additional 160 have accepted offers. Of those on the job already, more than 850 are professionals, including chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, statisticians, medical officers, microbiologists and field inspectors.

Of the total 1,317 positions, 770 are new jobs and 547 are posts that were left vacant by people leaving the agency for other jobs or due to retirement.

But it’s not all rosy and it’s not as easy as reporting numbers.

The FDA hired nine cancer specialists, but another 20 rejected offers. "They could not make the money they would be making on the outside if they came into public service," said Kimberly Holden, the FDA’s senior manager directing the recruitment initiative. The agency could offer as much as $275,000 a year, she said, but oncologists can make $400,000 annually outside of government service.

All-in-all, it’s a good start. But it’s just the end of the beginning -- and just barely.

COI Coyness

  • 09.11.2008

Here’s the first paragraph from the story in today’s Wall Street Journal on the continuing controversy swirling around academic research and pharmaceutical industry funding:

“WASHINGTON -- Some major universities are reviewing the way they handle funding from drug companies in the wake of criticism from Sen. Chuck Grassley, who is pressing the federal agency that controls government health-research money to get tougher on universities that don't disclose ties to the industry.”

It seems that some academic researchers are being either sloppy or stupid about disclosing research grants they receive from industry.

Giving these folks the benefit of the doubt may be the right thing to do (you know –like “innocent until proven guilty”) but it ain’t gonna happen in today’s shoot-first-and-ask-qustions-later environment – and it could very lead to individual researchers (and their institutions) losing NIH funding.

Here’s what Senator Grassley has to say about the matter:
"Starting today, the NIH could send a signal that business as usual is over … The simple threat of losing prestigious and sizable NIH grants would force accurate financial disclosure."

The Senator is right.  But the issue is quickly morphing beyond mere issues of filling out the required forms in at timely manner.

Consider the comments of Jerome Kassirer, the purer-than-pure (despite mega-millions in pharmaceutical advertising revenue), former editor of the New England Journal, "Universities have been treading on dangerous ground with their increasingly complex financial ties to industry.  They are worried that these things could ultimately affect their tax-free status."

Get the picture?

(Note to Jerry – you may be next.)

For more on the COI controversy, please attend our September 22nd conference, "Industry Support for Continuing Education of Health Care Professionals:  An Evidence-Based Evaluation."  There's no cost -- and
here's the complete invitation.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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